We are a Christ-centered, Spirit-filled, missions-oriented church, where every member is a minister, transforming individuals, communities and nations through the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.
To bring Individuals, communities and nations to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ through gospel proclamation, bringing the believers to intimacy with God through a lifestyle of worship and prayer and equipping them for ministry work through effective and dynamic discipleship and leadership training.
What we believe in
The inspiration of the Bible, equally in all and without error in its origin, its accuracy and infallibility;
The one God eternally existing in three distinct, divine Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Who created man by a direct immediate act;
The pre-existence, incarnation, virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, substitutionary death, boldly resurrection, ascension to heaven, and the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ;
The fall of man, the need of regeneration by the operation of the Holy Spirit on the basis of grace alone and the resurrection of all to life or damnation;
The spiritual relationship of all believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, living a life of righteous works and separated from the system of the world;
The baptism or infilling of the Holy Spirit Who empowers the church as witnesses in these last days, and by God’s anointing, the spiritual gifts are manifested even with signs and wonders;
The authority of born-again believers with the Lord Jesus Christ over wicked spirits, principalities, powers and rules of darkness of this age, over infirmities or sicknesses, and over supernatural elements.
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